Published: 2021-05-27
This special edition aims to bring contributions from practical experiences into a conversation to share and discuss what challenges emerged, what solutions were implemented, and what lessons were learned during the COVID-19 pandemic from community-based practice. We encourage program coordinators, NODA Interns, graduate students, practitioners, and scholars to consider submitting a manuscript for publication!
We offer the following examples of potential topics that may be featured:
Ling Ning, Kimberly Kruchen, Crystal Cyr
Katie Motycki, Daniel Murphy
Converting a Dynamic in-Person Experience to Remote Life College Transition in the Time of COVID-19
Alicia Roybal, Emilie Waggoner, Christy Heaton, Emily Moroney, Nicole Hoff, Kelsi Miles, Angela VanDijk, Kristen Fukumoto
Designing Effective Online Orientation Programs for First-Year University Students
Nicole Crozier
Vincent Prior, Drake Hankins, Miranda Gillilan
Reimagining OTR during COVID-19 through Transformative Practices
Joseph Ratcliff, Laura Galloway
ROARing 20’s: Cultivating Responsible, Optimal, Authentic, and Resilient Students
Padma Entsuah, Kelly Gorman, Jaclyn Hawkins, Raphael Coleman
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Family Engagement
Libby Daggers, Mark Pontious, Ph.D., Kimberly Sterritt, Benjamin Williams
Preserving Engagement: Orientation amidst a Global Pandemic
Alison Hughes, Courtney "Pearson" Pearson , Lindsay Ramos, John Tilley, Leah Mudd, Casey Ford, Arnez Wallace