Development and Assessment of an Online, Asynchronous State-Specific Pharmacy Law Continuing Education Program for Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination Preparation

Apryl Peddi

Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy

Lauren Caldas

Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy

Evan Sisson

Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy

Sofia Yousufzai

Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy

Laura Frankart

Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy


Keywords: pharmacy licensure, exam preparation, continuing education


Description of the Problem: The Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) is a licensure requirement for pharmacists. National pass rates for this exam are variable and have recently been decreasing nationally. Current support for graduates in pharmacy law courses and MPJE test preparation tools varies between states and institutions.

Description of the Innovation: The Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy created an online, asynchronous continuing education (CE) course that provides content specific to Virginia pharmacy laws and regulations. The course is divided into six modules, aligned with MJPE competency statements.

Critical Analysis: Of the 158 participants who have taken the CE, 26 responded to the survey (response rate = 16.5%) on pass rate success and resources used in preparation for MJPE.  The majority (96%) of those who completed the CE passed their next attempt on the MJPE. Qualitative feedback was collected and evaluated using thematic analysis. This limited cross-sectional data requires this innovation to report only descriptive preliminary findings without generalizability.

Implications: The institution will continue to offer this CE. The CE creates a revenue stream for the institution and provides a resource for passing the Virginia MPJE.


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Author Biography

Sofia Yousufzai, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate, Class of 2024