ISSN: 2155-0417

Inspiring Inquiry and Improvement in Pharmacy Practice, Education, and Policy
A quarterly publication featuring case studies, clinical experiences, commentaries, idea papers, original research, and review articles that focus on the leading edge, novel ideas for improving, modernizing, and advancing pharmacy practice, education, and policy.  INNOVATIONS in pharmacy is an academic, peer reviewed, open-access journal. 

Sponsored by U of MN College of Pharmacy

Current Issue

Vol. 15 No. 3 (2024)

Published: 2024-08-21


Teaching Homeopathy in U.S. Pharmacy Schools

Esra'a Khader, William Doucette


Pharmacy Practice & Practice-Based Research

Development, Pilot, and Evaluation of a Qualitative Documentation Tool for Pharmacists to Share High Impact Patient Intervention Stories

Alex William Middendorf, Aaron Hunt, Alexa Vanden Hull, Deidra Van Gilder, Erin Miller, Sharrel Pinto


Accessibility of Diabetes Therapy Management for Patients with Visual Impairment

Cambrey Nguyen, Lisa Lim, Emily Conard, Arinze Nkemdirim Okere


Availability and Types of Pressure Ulcer Medications at Community Pharmacies in the Accra Metropolis of Ghana

Grace Lovia Allotey-Babington, Irene Akwo Kretchy, Isaac Julius Asiedu-Gyekye, Maame Kyiafi Opong-Beniako, Obed Kufoalor, Gilnel Adjei Adjetey, Michael Agyapong Mintah, Henry Nettey


Assessment of Metformin Intolerance: A Retrospective Chart Review

Pilar Murphy, Alanna Bramwell-Shittu, Kaci Boehmer, Jacob Painter, Ruchira Mahashabde


Impact of Pharmacist Expertise on Acceptance Rates in a Comprehensive E-Consult Program within a Large Academic Health System

Carrie Freed, Cynthia King, Brandon Soltesz, M. David Gothard, Bushra Altabbaa, Aleksandra Majstorovic
