Call to Action: Lead Pharmacy into the Next Decade
Scholarly Narration
Gregory Zumach
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Kerry K Fierke
University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy
Gardner Lepp
University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy
Bridget McGugan
Incyte Corporation
Marta Brooks
Regis University School of Pharmacy
Anthony Olson
Essentia Institute of Rural Health
Andrew Bartlett
The University of Sydney
Nilushi Karunaratne
Monash University
Betty Exintaris
Monash University
Keywords: Leadership, Scholarly Dissemination
The pace of change in healthcare and throughout the world will only continue to escalate. This evolution of continuously changing information requires us to be responsive and innovative. There are more ways than ever to share information, and more need than ever to share best practices for leadership related to pharmacy. In keeping with the mission of INNOVATIONS in pharmacy (Iip), we invite you to share creative and dynamic scholarly leadership work.
The traditional written manuscript is an author-centric form of scholarly output; the format, process, expediency, and familiarity of written manuscripts benefit authors, but may not be as easily consumed as more user-centric forms of information. The Iip leadership section team investigated alternative ways to disseminate the results of research work that don't include a traditional written manuscript.
We reached out to leaders across a variety of pharmacy work and practice settings to understand the importance of leadership today and the importance for leadership in pharmacy. Responses were common across pharmacy professionals in all settings; nearly every response mentioned that leadership is important to help motivate a team toward a shared goal or vision and to be a role model. Pharmacy leaders feel that leadership is needed to make decisions, take accountability and, especially in an area as highly regulated as healthcare, ensure regulations and procedures are followed and standards are upheld. At the same time, our current environment requires attention to new challenges such as a multigenerational workforce and artificial intelligence.
Call to Action
Through our work as scholars, we can provide evidence-based, pertinent, timely solutions to address these issues, in ways that make it easily transferable to broad audiences.
The future of pharmacy leadership is in our hands and awaits our unique insights. Traditional written manuscripts are valuable but may not fully connect with some people. The evolving landscape of healthcare leadership demands novel perspectives, creative applications, and open-minded evaluations.
Join us on this transformative journey. Submit your Innovative scholarly works to Iip.
This scholarship is connected to the following forms of scholarly works:
Call to Action: Lead Pharmacy into the Next Decade:
Call to Action: Lead Pharmacy into the Next Decade an Interactive Poster:
- Sorensen TD, Traynor AP, Janke KK. “Inviting Scholarship in Leadership in Pharmacy.” INNOVATIONS in Pharmacy, 2010;1(1): Article 1.
- Sundy-Boyles, KL, Archer, MC, Painter, AE, Beck Dallaghan, GL, & Zwemer, EK. “Educational Scholarship: A Modern Guide to Dissemination.” Hospital Pediatrics, 2023;13(9): e263-e267.
- Ross-Hellauer, Tony, et al. "Ten simple rules for innovative dissemination of research." PLoS computational biology, 2020;16.4: e1007704.
- AM Last Page. Academic Medicine 84(6):p 814, June 2009.
- Peeters MJ, Harpe SE. “Last Matter: Introducing infographics to Methodology Matters.” Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 2021;13(10): 1259-1260.
- Kouzes, JM, & Posner, BZ. The Leadership Challenge: How to Get Extraordinary Things Done in Organizations (1st ed.) San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 1987.