Babcock L, Peyser B, Vesterlund L, Weingart L. The No Club, Putting a Stop to Women’s Dead-End Work. Simon and Schuster; 2022. ISBN-13: 978-1982152338.
Alisha Halver
North Dakota State University
Elizabeth Monson
North Dakota State University
Sydney Armbrust
North Dakota State University
Allison Hursman
Essentia Health
Jeanne Frenzel
North Dakota State University
Lisa Richter
North Dakota State University
Keywords: non-promotable task, faculty workload, gender equity, burnout
This book review of The No Club, Putting a Stop to Women’s Dead-End Work, would serve anyone struggling with burnout or lack of promotion. Supervisors can gain a better understanding of how to distribute non-promotable tasks (NPTs) as well as how to properly and fairly ask their employees to complete NPTs. The hope is that by promoting better understanding of NPTs, both individuals and organizations would see a benefit by preventing burnout, achieving higher promotability, and equitable allocation of workload.