Facilitating Community Engagement in Academic Pharmacy Careers

Laura C Palombi

University of Minnesota

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24926/iip.v8i3.531

Keywords: engagement, academic, pharmacy, community


Despite the recognized value of community engagement in academic pharmacy, the implementation of sustainable and fruitful community partnerships can be challenging. This manuscript will highlight a junior faculty member’s journey with community engagement, sharing the ways that community engagement can guide an academic career and the benefits of community engagement in teaching, research and service. Also highlighted is the role – and argued responsibility - of the academic institution in community engagement, as well as an identification of the barriers that might be interfering with pharmacy faculty community engagement. Considerations for the development of faculty members striving to more fully incorporate engagement into their teaching, research, and service are provided.

Conflict of Interest

I declare no conflicts of interest or financial interests that the authors or members of their immediate families have in any product or service discussed in the manuscript, including grants (pending or received), employment, gifts, stock holdings or options, honoraria, consultancies, expert testimony, patents and royalties.


Type: Commentary


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