Atypical Antipsychotic-Induced Parkinsonism: A Patient Case with CYP Enzyme Implications

Carla Dolci Figura

University of Florida

Michael Schuh

University of Florida


Keywords: Drug-induced Parkinsonism, Parkinsonism, Neuroleptic Medication, Medication Therapy Management, Pharmacotherapy


Objective: To report a case of Parkinsonism potentially caused by neuroleptic medications.

Summary: The case analyzed is that of a 57-year-old male patient referred to a pharmacotherapy service by a neurologist after organic causes of tremor had been ruled out. Iatrogenic cause was suspected and referral expectation was to identify the offending agent or agents and propose alternative therapy.

Conclusion: This case illustrates iatrogenic risk associated with neuroleptic medications while illustrating mechanisms of drug interaction via CYP enzymes that can lead to iatrogenic disease.

Abbreviations: DIP = Drug-induced Parkinsonism; MTM = Medication Therapy Management; PD = Parkinson’s Disease


Type: Clincial Experience


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