Developing Students as Advocates through a Pilot Advocacy Curricular Thread within a PharmD Curriculum

Cortney M Mospan

Wingate University

McKenzie Calhoun

East Tennessee State University


Keywords: legislative education, advocacy, healthcare, pharmacy curricula


There is a need for education about and development of advocacy skills within student pharmacists. Pharmacy literature describes experiences incorporating advocacy education within curricula; however, these are often singular, limited experiences. To increase student pharmacists’ awareness, knowledge, and skills, effective advocacy curricular threads are necessary within curricula. This paper provides rationale for the need for a greater emphasis on development of these skills within student pharmacists, evidence of curricular experiences surrounding advocacy from the literature, initial observations from a piloted curricular thread at one school, and implications for the academy.

Conflict of Interest

Dr. Calhoun is a Board member of the Tennessee Pharmacists Association.


Type: Idea Paper


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