Pharmacy-Based Point-of-Care Testing: How a “Standard of Care” Approach Can Facilitate Sustainability

Alex J. Adams

Idaho Division of Financial Management

Donald G. Klepser

University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Pharmacy

Michael E. Klepser

Pharmacy Practice, Ferris State University, College of Pharmacy

Jennifer L. Adams

Idaho State University, College of Pharmacy



COVID-19 spurred rapid expansion of pharmacy-based point-of-care testing (POCT). This growth was aided, in part, by federal guidance that removed state-level regulatory uncertainty surrounding the ability of pharmacists to administer, interpret, and act on the results of tests. Surveys suggest there is considerable confusion about the legality of these services by state regulators. To ensure the sustainability of POCT services over time, states should consider adopting a standard of care approach to regulation, allowing a flexible framework for practice innovation and expansion over time.


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