International Variations In Essential Medication Lists

Ali H. Tejani

Albert Wertheimer


Keywords: pharmacy, WHO essential medication list, medication formulary, comparison study, WHO


Every nation in the world has established a National Medication Formulary to account for all the medications present in the country. Many countries follow the Essential Medication List provided by the World Health organization (WHO) when making their own National Medication Formulary. Our study looked at variations in the National Formularies when compared to the Essential Medication Lists. Different relationships such as missing and extra medications lists were formulated and the statistics analyzed. It was noted that on average most of the countries studied were lacking 47% of medications, and had 30% additional medications on their national formulary. Further studies need to be conducted as Essential Medications may be lacking, or harmful medications may be present in a country's formulary leading to severe health problems.


Type: Commentary


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