Impact of Pharmacist Delivered Education on Early Parent Awareness and Perceptions Regarding Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination in the Community Pharmacy Setting in West Virginia

Jennifer A Wick

West Virginia University /Kroger

Betsy M Elswick

West Virginia University School of Pharmacy, Department of Clinical


Keywords: Human Papillomavirus;, Vaccination, Pharmacist, Community Education



Objectives: (1) Define parental perceptions of the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine and of vaccine administration at community pharmacies (2) Describe parental intentions to have children vaccinated against HPV (3) Describe reasoning behind parental vaccination intentions (4) Assess effectiveness of pharmacist-led education on these perceptions and intentions

Methods: This was a prospective pretest, posttest study with a convenience sample conducted at parenting groups throughout northern West Virginia in 2018.  Participants, a total of 34 parents/guardians, attended an educational session regarding Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination with immediate pre/post survey.  The survey included questions about demographics, vaccination status, vaccination intentions, and decision-making.

Results: Following intervention, intention to vaccinate according to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations increased from 35% (n=12) to 44% (n=15).  The percentage of participants against vaccinating decreased from 23% (n=8) to 12% (n=4).  Participants demonstrated increased awareness of HPV vaccine availability at community pharmacies, with awareness increasing from 32% (n=11) to 100% (n=34).

Conclusions: Pharmacist delivered education may be useful in increasing parent/legal guardian awareness of immunization services as well as intention to vaccinate their child.


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