Does the submission fit the scope of the journal - is it aligned with the vision and mission?
Does it lend student or community voices to health equity issues?
Does it offer a nuanced, well-articulated, or underappreciated public health perspective?
Does it actively promote just and equitable health for all people?
Do you see the submission as interesting, timely, and pertinent to students and young professionals in the field of public health?
Does it share insightful narratives or relevant data and analysis?
Does it effectively leverage either personal experiences or academic or professional research (or a combination)?
Does the submission make a positive contribution to current issues and conversations in public health?
Is the submission unique - either a new take on a familiar issue, or an under-discussed public health problem?
Difficult topics should be tackled with the complexity that they require and authors should not be intentionally divisive. Is this article not divisive or too narrow in its lens that it detracts from the actual public health issue it seeks to highlight?
Is the submission clearly original, non-plagiarized work? Does it adhere to submission guidelines?
Does this submission appear to be the author’s own authentic work (i.e., it does not look eerily similar to another piece you have seen before from someone else)?
The copyright of these individual works published by the University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing remains with the original creator or editorial team. For uses beyond those covered by law or the Creative Commons license, permission to reuse should be sought directly from the copyright owner listed on each article.