About the Journal

The Public Health Review is a graduate student-led, online, peer-reviewed, open-access public health journal that is published by the University of Minnesota Libraries. We publish two issues per year: in June and December. We provide students, alumni, and professionals from any discipline or affiliation the opportunity to publish public health-related material in a peer-reviewed journal. The affiliation with the University of Minnesota Libraries publishing arm allows articles submitted through this platform to be indexed and cited by other scholarly work.

The Public Health Review also has a podcast called Perspectives. Here, we bring to you a series of conversations on a wide variety of public health topics, providing you with perspectives on public health issues from the community, academic, and professional fields. 

Our vision is to make health equity possible for everyone in every community.

Our mission is to provide a platform for the discovery, development, and dissemination of high-quality information regarding important public health issues and topics that will ultimately advance and responsibly inform public health research, policy, and practice.