Letter from the Executive-Editor

Sarah Perez-Sanz

University of Minnesota School of Public Health



To our distinguished readers,

Welcome to the second issue of the Public Health Review!

This spring, our spotlight writer is Jessie Austin, whose article, "The ‘Ceasefire Babies’: Intergenerational trauma and mental health in post-conflict Northern Ireland," offers an overview of the long-term ethno-nationalist conflict that occurred in Northern Ireland during the second part of the 20th century from a public health perspective. Austin’s article describes the conflict’s immediate and enduring impacts on the population’s mental health, as well as the potential intergenerational health implications of this prolonged trauma. Throughout history, groups of people have disproportionately borne burdens of trauma based on their nationality, religion, or personal identity. Given that these burdens persist today, how can public health professionals address this injustice to improve health equity?

Our sincerest gratitude to all of our other authors, our current Editorial Board, our Advisory Board, our colleagues at the University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, and our reviewers, whose hard work and dedication has made this issue possible. We also want to extend special acknowledgement to Amelia Harju, a co-founding executive editor of the journal, whose continued leadership has been invaluable.

Thanks to you, the Public Health Review continues to explore and spread emerging and persisting public health issues to a broader audience under our ultimate mission of promoting public health equity for all. Public health is an interdisciplinary field that is broadly relevant, and we want the journal to reflect this. We hope that the journal stimulates you, our readers, to consider how your profession and/or hobbies contribute to the public health of our greater society. And, of course, we want you to share your work with us! The journal accepts articles, drawings, poetry, photographs, and any creative work related to public health for submission.

On behalf of the Public Health Review Editorial Board, I hope you enjoy this issue!

Warm regards,

Sarah Perez-Sanz