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Brief About:

The Minnesota Undergraduate Research & Academic Journal is an academic journal dedicated to the academic research of undergraduate students. It is a student-run publication, with students as the reviewers, authors, and editorial board, that strives toward a diverse representation of work from all subjects and fields. Students are encouraged to submit research in a variety of formats and platforms, whether it be by text, photo or video. As the university’s first multi-disciplinary, undergraduate research journal, MURAJ aims to stay committed to its values of diversity and broad scope by publishing work from all areas of research and from students in all ranges of their undergraduate career.

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Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024): Minnesota Undergraduate Research & Academic Journal

Journal Cover Artist: Boyu Wen

Welcome to the Volume 6, Issue 1 of MURAJ. In this issue, we present the works of students from 2024. We feature research across all disciplines at the University of Minnesota. Each piece is subject to a rigorous peer-review process by our experienced University of Minnesota undergraduate reviewers. Our excellent authors demonstrate the breadth and depth of undergraduate research in Minnesota and nationwide.

Published: 2024-07-10

Letter from the Editor

Alice Qian Zhang, Marie Ronnander, Cynthia Shao, Gavin Fuchs, Tyler Swiatkowski, Leah Kellgren, Manasi Nagargoje
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