Medical Student Selection

Engaging Faculty and Community Members Across Regions in a Holistic, Mission-Aligned Process

Leila E Harrison, PhD, MA, MEd

Washington State University Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine

Radha Nandagopal, MD

Washington State University Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine


Keywords: Admissions, holisitic review, regional faculty, community members


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Many medical schools rely solely on their Admissions Committee members or core faculty for all aspects of the admissions process. In a distributed campus model, involving stakeholders from different contexts and campuses, can help medical schools diversify the participants in each step of the admissions process, from recruitment, to screening, to interviewing, to selection. Using the regional campus structure poses an advantage to embed multiple constituents, including faculty, staff, and community members, into the entire process supporting collective input in training future physicians for those communities and provides the opportunity for more people to become aware of institutional missions and to become invested in the holistic review framework used for candidate selection.

The authors declare no conflicts of interest. This work does require human subjects review.


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