Diverse College Students' Cultural Background and College Persistence

Kerrie DeVries

Bloomsburg University

Jonathan Santo

University of Nebraska Omaha

Juan Casas

University of Nebraska Omaha

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24926/jcotr.v29i2.4655

Keywords: college persistence model, social integration, academic integration, intentions


Tinto (1975) created a college persistence model, emphasizing institutional academic and social integration, that continues to guide U.S. university retention strategies. This longitudinal study followed 584 college Freshman from diverse backgrounds, testing for group differences in the relationship that Tinto’s key constructs have on college persistence, over time, for U.S.-White, U.S.-minority, and immigrant-origin groups. We found significant positive associations between Academic Integration and Intentions to Persist for all ethnic groups, but group differences in Social Integration and Intentions to Persist. Additionally, Intentions to Persist was a significant predictor of actual persistence for all groups, suggesting predictive power overall.


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