
A Dynamic and Collaborative Approach to Transfer Student Success

S. Terri Gomez

Cecilia Santiago-González

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24926/jcotr.v24i1.2907


The PolyTransfer Initiative is a collaborative effort between Cal Poly Pomona and local community colleges aimed at easing students’ transfer through the state’s educational system. PolyTransfer is focused on recruitment, enrollment, engagement, retention, and increasing timely graduation of transfer students, especially among underrepresented minority (URM) and first-generation students. This article provides an overview of our efforts to partner across divisions to establish a transfer-receptive culture predicated on innovation and adaptability. Our internal and external reflective, critical discussions have underscored that nothing has been sacred or “off the table” in moving forward to make significant changes to support transfer student success. On the contrary, we determined that the university must make fundamental changes in its policies, procedures, business practices, and expectations.


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