“I Don’t Just Give Tours”

Examining What Students Learn from the Student Orientation Leader Experience

Ann M. Gansemer-Topf

Kristin Economos

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24926/jcotr.v20i1.2819

Keywords: Orientation, programs, leaders, intrapersonal growth, skill development, understanding, others, institution


Undergraduate student orientation leaders play a vital role in many new student orientation programs. Although the leaders assume many responsibilities, little is known about how these students benefit from this experience. This qualitative study examined what students learned from being student orientation leaders. Students’ learning occurred in four areas: intrapersonal growth, skill development, understanding of others, and understanding of the institution. Results of this study highlight the benefit of incorporating upper division leaders into orientation programs. In addition, it illustrates how new student programs provide a valuable experience for upper-division continuing students as well as new students in transition.


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