Advising and Orienting Transfer Students

A Two-Pronged Approach to Improving Transitions

Heather Robertson

Sandra Trapani

Ellen Hopkins


Keywords: Transfer students, student success, demographics, Association of American Universities (AAU), seminars, outcomes, challenges, limitations


A major research university recently redesigned the new transfer student orientation program to provide more one-on-one attention to incoming transfer students. Concurrently, a new student seminar course specifically for transfer students was being implemented. These combined efforts were submitted to the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) as a best practice for new transfer students and have yielded positive results in relation to students' connection to campus and satisfaction with orientation/advising. Additionally, analysis of both grade point average and first semester retention ofstudents enrolled in the new transfer student advising seminar have been higher than those not enrolled. The implementation of these practices, as well as their analyses, begin the discussion upon which further research efforts pertaining to transfer student transitions can be explored.


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