Big Five Personality Traits and Outcomes for First-Year College Students

John W. Lounsbury

Jacob J. Levy

Richard A. Saudargas

Lucy W. Gibson


Keywords: The Big Five Model of Personality, diverse, traits, freshmen, Astin, Chickering, Transition to College (TTC) inventory


Based on a sample of 1,834 undergraduates, the Big Five personality traits of Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, Extraversion, and Openness were found to be significantly but differentially related to seven outcome variables: life satisfaction, college satisfaction, GPA, Sense of Identity, intention to withdraw from school, graduate school plans, and recommending the school to others. Results were discussed in terms of theoretical and practical implications. It was suggested that personality traits may be considered by organizations and personnel who work with students in the process of transition from high school to college and during orientation programs, among others.


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