The Regeneration of Renal Tissue

Hannah Thompson


Abstract: As of today, there are approximately 100,791 individuals waiting for kidney transplants, with a new patient added every fourteen minutes.33 Treatments for renal failure and kidney disease are limited to dialysis, renal replacement therapy, or transplantation. However, advancements in renal regeneration diminish the need for these transplants. Several techniques allow for kidney recovery after development of renal disease, including bioengineering mechanisms, stem cell therapies, drug therapeutics, and renal regenerative techniques. In this review, the role of induced regeneration will be discussed in relation to renal damage. The mechanisms of embryonic kidney development have been elucidated, allowing researchers to recreate self-organizing renal tissue and nephrons by using human pluripotent stem cells. Although kidneys have a limited regenerative ability, understanding the mechanisms of developmental biology and kidney morphology have allowed researchers to identify the process of self-renewing damaged renal tissue. The role of regenerative medicine in repairing damaged kidneys serve as a model of hope for the hundreds of thousands affected by kidney illnesses.