Glass Pozzolans in Marine Concrete

Ashley Murr

University of Minnesota Duluth

Keywords: pozzolan, glass, marine concrete


Marine concrete can be especially susceptible to chemical and physical deterioration, including corrosion of the reinforcement steel. For this reason, pozzolans such as fly ash, blast furnace slag, and silica fume, are commonly used to reduce corrosion in concrete subjected to marine environments by decreasing the permeability of the concrete matrix. The permeability of a concrete matrix is commonly used to indicate the susceptibility of a concrete to the corrosion of the steel reinforcement due to its effects on initial corrosion and subsequent corrosion. The water/cementitious materials (w/cm) ratio, binder type, curing conditions, and compaction factors can impact the level of permeability. A lower w/cm ratio can reduce the permeability, as does the addition of pozzolans. Ground glass is currently under intense scrutiny for its potential as a pozzolan in portland cement concrete, as it differs from other pozzolans due to its high alkali content. This research considers the potential for ground glass use as a pozzolan in marine concrete applications.