ISSN: 2380-8969

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies (IJPS) shares scholarship and creates connections for cultural transformation to build a world in which all relationships, institutions, policies and organizations are based on principles of partnership.

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A Partnership Between:

Current Issue

Vol. 11 No. 1 (2024): Volume 11, Issue 1

Published: 2024-06-20

Art Feature: Aruanda, 2023
Acrylic on canvas.
By Ani Ganzala

View Artist's Statement

Guest Editor: Eli Ingraham


A Partnership Perspective on Ecosocial Reciprocity for Cultural Transformation

Angelica Walton, Shawna Beese, Sherry Chesak, Stephanie D. Gingerich, Ryne Wilson


Colonial Sustainability: Tracing the Sustainability Industry’s Ecocidal Lineage from the Doctrine of Discovery

Christina M. Sayson, Samantha Suppiah, Anna Denardin, Luiza Oliveira, Nelson Maldonado-Torres, Ayabulela Mhlahlo
