Call for Papers


10th Anniversary Issue: Building a Partnership World

Call for Papers

Submission Deadline for volume 11, issue 2: September 15th, 2024

The second issue of 2024 celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies (IJPS). We honor the past by looking to the future. The theme of this issue is Building a Partnership World.

Popular media and many academic journals continue to publish papers describing the destructive impact of domination behaviors and the likely scenario of a very dystopic future. Papers imagining a partnership-based future are very rare. Yet many Indigenous People warn us that our narrative shapes our future. The editors and board of the IJPS therefore believe it is essential to imagine a better future.

For the anniversary issue we invite authors to imagine the partnership-based future that we are co-designing. We especially invite previous IJPS authors to describe the future that their cultural transformation work is helping to create. What will this future mean for education, agriculture, our cities, our governance? What will a partnership-based future mean for our children, for elders, for currently marginalized peoples, and for the rest of Nature?

Papers for this anniversary issue are due September 15th unless arrangements have been made with the managing editor.

Submission policies are available on our Policies page.

Formatting guidelines are available on our Style Guide.

To submit an article, please create an account and follow the directions on the Submissions page. Please note our page limit is 20 pages plus references.

For additional questions please contact Managing Editor, Fang Lei, at

Thank you,
The Editors
Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies



Submission Deadline for volume 12, issue 1: March 15th, 2025

The 2025 issue 1 is an open issue where we will accept partnership and cultural transformation papers from a wide variety of fields. Papers are due March 15th unless arrangements have been made with the managing editor.

Partnership Studies analyzes social institutions and beliefs from the perspective of where they fall on the partnership/domination continuum, illuminating how they affect all aspects of life and every social institution, from the family, education, and religion to politics, economics, and mass media. Partnership Studies provides an integrative perspective for understanding and transforming beliefs and social institutions that takes into account the cultural construction of formative relations, which are still generally ignored or marginalized in the canon. It pays special attention to findings from neuroscience showing that our brains develop in interaction with our environments, especially in our early years, and that how a society constructs the roles and relations of males and females impacts not only women’s and men’s life choices but also the society’s values, beliefs, and institutions. Partnership Studies helps us “connect the dots” in new ways to reveal dynamics that are otherwise invisible.

IJPS features Conversations/Interviews with scholars, thought leaders, and content experts about partnership worldwide; Scholarly articles from all disciplines including elements of partnership; Community Voices Articles about applications of partnership worldwide; Media Reviews of books, articles, films, plays, and television and radio programs dealing with themes of partnership and Cover Art.

The journal is published twice per year. Articles undergo double-blind peer review, and there are no fees for authors to publish accepted articles in IJPS. Authors retain the copyright for their article, and all articles are distributed with a Creative Commons license (CC NC-BY 4.0). As an open access journal, and there are no fees or subscription necessary to access any article published in IJPS. All articles are viewable immediately upon publication.

Submission policies are available on our Policies page.

Formatting guidelines are available on our Style Guide. Papers that do not follow the APA style criteria will be returned.

To submit an article, please create an account and follow the directions on the Submissions page. Please note our page limit is 20 pages plus references.

For additional questions please contact Managing Editor, Fang Lei, at

Thank you,

The Editors
Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies