About the Journal

Reconsidering Development is an open access, peer reviewed and international e-journal that aims to create an equitable space for dialogue concerning critical development issues as it relates to public health, economics, education, environmental studies, law, human rights and other fields. Reconsidering Development publishes in a variety of formats annually.

We are not accepting submissions right now, but please check back in a few months!

Reconsidering Development aims to create an open platform for diverse perspectives to engage with and learn from one another. We encourage submissions from a wide variety of development actors—scholars, practitioners, policy-makers, and community activists—spanning different disciplines and geographic regions. Reconsidering Development particularly encourages submissions that reflect underrepresented voices, creative methodologies, and contemporary forms of expression in order to reconsider the broader field of development. We hope that this deliberate fusion of scholarship will help to transform and push the boundaries of knowledge around which development theory and practice is built.