Open Source Course (Learning) Management System (OSCMS): Providing Online Learning Experiences and Positive Alternatives to Addictive Internet Use
Benjamin C.D. Agbo
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Paul Okwudili Onaga
Enugu State College of Education (Technical), Nigeria
Keywords: Open Source, OpenEd, Internet Addiction
The provision of learning experiences with eLearning Technologies at all education levels is growing rapidly and the cost of doing so is not cheap either. This notwithstanding, our society is more than ever being bombarded with information resulting from the use of digital technologies. Consequently, many people, especially school age groups, are addicted to the internet and spend hours daily, sometimes, unproductive, surfing the internet. Thus, this presentation explores the use of Open Source Course Management System (OSCMS) for the provision of free online learning experiences for both teachers and students. It also discusses using OSCMS to provide positive outcomes for addictive internet use. Specifically, the presentation focuses on OpenEd course management system and its resources/affordances. The OpenEd is free OSCMS designed for K-12 teachers/students. The OpenEd provides in its resource library ready-made materials for formative assessments, homework, and lesson plans based on approved standard (e.g. common core curriculum). Educators and educational organizations all over the country provide these materials free to teachers and students. This presentation will provide participants with the skills needed in setting up and using OpenEd OSCMS in their subject areas. Therefore, at the end of the presentation, participants will be able to sign up for an OpenEd account, register students at various grade levels, assign lesson plans using resource library, assign assignments, and homework.
Author Biography
Benjamin C.D. Agbo, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Benjamin Agbo C. D. (PhD) holds a PhD in Work and Human Resource Education from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; B. Sc. & M. Ed degrees in Vocational Teacher Education - Industrial Technical (University of Nigeria, Nsukka); and MN K-12 Teaching License.