Achieve OER State Policy Recommendations

Hans H Voss


Keywords: Open Educational Resources, OER, Common Core, CCSS, College and career readiness, Policy, Recommendations


In February 2015, Achieve released a set of state policy recommendations for Open Educational Resources (OER). These recommendations are based on more than two years of work with states through the OER Institute, and has developed these recommendations for states to help share key strategies from states that have begun using OER as part of the college- and career-ready implementation plans to continue advancement of OER. Additionally, these recommendations aim to provide helpful information and guidance for states or districts that are interested but have not yet begun an organized effort to support the use of OER in classrooms. This presentation will provide a brief overview of these recommendations as well as the ways in which a number of states across the country, including Minnesota are using OER in their college- and career-ready standards implementation plans.

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Author Biography

Hans H Voss, Achieve

Hans Voss is a policy associate at Achieve, a nonpartisan education policy nonprofit in Washington, DC. Much of his work focuses on Achieve’s Open Educational Resources (OER) projects, which includes the Achieve OER Institute. Hans also assists with Achieve's EQuIP initiatives.