Practicing Partnership with the Earth: Nurturing the Evolution of a Caring Alliance Based on Reciprocity and Respect

Ann Amberg

Center for Partnership Studies


Keywords: Earth, nature, partnership, domination, relationship with nature, mindfulness, everyday practice, consciousness, climate change, grief, action on behalf of the earth, mutually enhancing relationships, biodynamic patterns, complexity, resilience


This article highlights the value and importance of partnership practices focused on deepening our personal relationship with nature. In a context of the movement from domination to partnership systems, the author suggests the possibility of identifying ourselves in a larger context, as planetary humans, and offers insight into the perceptive shifts required to cultivate reciprocal and respectful relationships with the natural world. Through the suggestion of accessible earth-focused partnership practices aligned with primal biodynamic earth patterns, the reader will gain a deeper understanding of how an embodied partnership with nature’s life forces can to help restore wholeness at the personal, collective, and planetary level.