From the Guest Editor: Caring Democracy

Riane Eisler

Center for Partnership Studies


Keywords: Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, Caring Democracy


The Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies was launched in the fall of 2014, and as Editor in Chief, I am happy to report that since our launch we have had more than 10,000 downloads of articles by readers all over the world. I also want to take this opportunity to welcome our new Managing Editor, Heidi Bruce, and to thank her for being part of the wonderful team producing this journal, which, among others, includes Liz Fine Weinfurter, Marty Lewis-Hunstiger, Teddie Potter, Peg Lonnquist, and Virajita Singh of the University of Minnesota.

I am honored to be the Guest Editor for our first themed issue on Caring Democracy, a subject that is especially timely at this historic juncture, and to have so many distinguished contributors to it. Here is a brief outline of its contents.