The New Community Policing: Developing a Partnership-Based Theoretical Foundation

Adam J McKee

University of Arkansas-Monticello

Andre' L Lewis

University of Arkansas-Monticello


Keywords: new community policing, cultural transformation theory, partnership model, police culture


This paper presents a Partnership Model of Community Policing based on Partnership concepts developed by Riane Eisler and undergirded by Cultural Transformation Theory as a guiding principle (1987, 2010, 2013). This model is more reflective of the daily lived experiences of community police officers. It is culturally relevant and based on the whole of the police officer’s relationship with the community within the context in which the interactions occur. This "New Community Policing" is an extension of Riane Eisler’s Cultural Transformation Theory and is an attempt to answer her call for a movement towards a partnership model of social organization. Ultimately, "8 Pillars of the New Community Policing" are developed to aid in defining and implementing community policing.