Roaring Muse 2022-12-19T14:49:05-06:00 Muse Staff Open Journal Systems <p>The Roaring Muse is the University of Minnesota Duluth's literary magazine. It is produced by the UMD Literary Guild, a student organization, beginning from Winter 1997 (volume 1, issue 1) through Spring/Summer 2016 and reactivating in Fall 2021. For full archive visit:</p> The Roaring Muse 2022-12-19T14:49:05-06:00 Benjamin Hanzsek-Brill <div class="page" title="Page 3"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Head Editor: Benjamin Hanzsek-Brill</p> <p>Editors: Sarah McElroy, Jack Hartford, Linnea Jungwirth, Ryan Skarphol, and Blake Oquist</p> </div> <div class="column"> <p>Graphic Designer: Linnea Jungwirth</p> <p>Cover Artist: Emma Kujawa</p> <div class="page" title="Page 5"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The focus of <em>The Roaring Muse</em> is to showcase works of artistic merit from the UMD and Twin Ports community that otherwise would not have an accessible platform. We hope to provide a space for emerging young artists to show their work to their peers and begin to understand the editorial process. To create a space where readers are introduced to diverse works of art they otherwise would not have explored. In this edition you will see poetry, visual art, flash fiction, and a one-act play. There are connecting themes of time, nature, and the vastness of the universe.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> 2022-12-19T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Roaring Muse