Deep Dive Into Digital Content: Minnesota Reflections Primary Source Sets

Jennifer Hootman

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

Greta Bahnemann

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

Keywords: Minnesota Reflections, Primary Sources, Curriculum, Teaching, Digital Collections


The work of gathering primary sources on a specific topic and then providing the necessary context to those sources can be a difficult process for both educators and researchers. Join us as we dive into digital content and demonstrate a new, unique resource for historical research, Minnesota Reflections Primary Source Sets. We’ll discuss the content and creation of the Primary Source Set project, using and highlighting access to secondary resources for added context (includes scholarly articles from the Electronic Library for Minnesota databases and government websites). Finally, we’ll also introduce related, original teaching guides which supply educators and researchers with discussion questions and classroom activities for each Primary Source Set.


  • Attendees will learn about a new, unique digital resource which combines primary and secondary resources for historical research aimed at K12 educators and students
  • Attendees will understand how to better leverage digital content in new ways: including the aggregation of content from across collections, as well as the development and utilization of discussion questions and classroom activities to spur creative and innovative research
  • Attendees will learn about the contextual content created around these Primary Source Sets which historically situates the subject matter assisting educators and researchers alike.

Author Biography

Jennifer Hootman, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

Jennifer Hootman is a Reference Outreach & Instruction librarian at Minitex. She provides instructional and technical support for the statewide resources, Electronic Library for Minnesota, and participates in the statewide virtual reference service, AskMN.