Technology Satisfaction & the Overall University Experience

Peg Sherven

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

Keywords: technology, satisfaction, university


What does the 'student technology experience' mean at your institution? This session will discuss the University of Minnesota’s student technology experience results based on a path analysis of technology factors from the 2013 Student Experience in the Research University (SERU) survey. Our findings have helped us better understand our students' preferences for technology related to online and hybrid classes, the learning management system, and faculty technology usage. We'll share how technology satisfaction impacts overall University satisfaction at our campus.

An overview of the need to study undergraduate student technology usage and its impact on the overall University experience will be discussed. Factors include technology obstacles, online course preference, internet self-efficacy, major, learning management systems, and online/hybrid course preference.

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Peg Sherven

Author Biography

Peg Sherven, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

Peg Sherven is currently working in the Academic Health Center in Academic Technology and is a doctoral candidate in Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development. Peg’s doctoral research focuses on student’s technology usage and how it impacts the overall University experience.