Statistics on Almost-Fibonacci Pattern-Avoiding Permutations
Brody John Lynch
Carleton College
Yihan Qin
Carleton College
We prove that |Avn(231, 312, 4321, 21543)|, |Avn(321, 231, 4123, 21534)|, |Avn(231, 312, 1432)|, and
|Avn(312, 321, 1342)| are all equal to Fn+1-1 where Fn is the n-th Fibonacci number using the convention
F0 = F1 = 1 and Avn(σ1, …, σk) is the set of all permutations of length n that avoid all of the patterns
σ1 through σk. To do this, we first characterize the structures of the permutations in these sets in terms
of Fibonacci permutations. Then, we further quantify the structures using statistics such as inversion
number and a statistic that measures the length of Fibonacci subsequences. Finally, we encode these
statistics in generating functions written in terms of the generating function for Fibonacci permutations.
We use these generating functions to find analogs of Fibonacci identities including the recurrence relation
and an addition formula.