Jan Hus

A Connection between Belief and National Identity

Yutsil Hernandez

Salem College

Keywords: Jan Hus, Protonationalism, Theology, Bohemia, Czech Republic


Jan Hus was a Bohemian preacher who was burned at the stake at the Council of Constance in 1415. However, Hus’s legacy well outlived his death, and six centuries later, he continues to be considered a symbol of Czech identity today. Using his letters written in exile and while awaiting trial at Constance, this article explores key aspects of Hus’s theology and how they gave momentum to the movement that arose after his death and has experienced an unparalleled longevity. Hus’s pursuit of truth, his frustrations with the practices of the church at the time, and his allegiance to Czech-speaking people resonated beyond the religious realm and paved the way for an early form of protonationalism.